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Oxide Gemstones

By Super Admin 01-Jul-2024 81

Oxide gemstones are a category of gemstones characterized by their chemical composition primarily of oxygen and metal elements. These gemstones are known for their exceptional hardness, brilliance, and vibrant colors, making them highly desirable in jewelry. The main types of oxide gemstones include:

  1. Corundum
    • Ruby: A red variety of corundum, known for its intense red color and high value. Rubies symbolize passion and vitality.
    • Sapphire: Available in a wide range of colors except red, with blue sapphires being the most famous. Sapphires symbolize wisdom and nobility.
  2. Spinel
    • Spinel is found in a variety of colors, including red, blue, pink, and black. Red spinel is often mistaken for ruby due to its similar appearance.
  3. Chrysoberyl
    • Alexandrite: Known for its remarkable color-changing properties, shifting from green in daylight to red under incandescent light. Alexandrite symbolizes balance and change.
    • Cat's Eye: Exhibits a unique chatoyancy effect, resembling the slit eye of a cat. It is believed to bring protection and good fortune.

Oxide gemstones are prized not only for their beauty but also for their durability, making them ideal for everyday wear. Their vibrant colors and exceptional clarity make them standout pieces in any jewelry collection.


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Abbas Ahmed


Researcher in the properties of gemstones

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